Chad Winstead, along with his wife Beth, specializes in creating cherishable art for their clients in North Carolina, USA. Together they have created a powerhouse wedding photography duo with their remarkable wedding portraiture. He serves as SLR Lounge Lighting Educational Ambassadors as well as a MagMod Ambassador where he provides his advanced off-camera flash expertise for engagement & wedding portraiture.
Before and After Images
The Interview with Chad Winstead
We interviewed him to find out how he uses the Visual Flow Preset System to speed up his Lightroom workflow and enhance his images with a single click of a preset. Below you’ll see examples of his RAW straight out of camera images and how they look with the Visual Flow Modern Pack presets applied.

How did you establish and define your editing style?
“We’ve always been drawn to vibrant colors, contrast, and a complete tonal range. I’ve always defined my editing style as Bold & Modern because of this.”

What tools within Lightroom help you refine your photos?
“We LOVE the adjustment brush tool. Adding in dodging/burning, making certain details pop, and fine-tuning parts of an image are why we love the Adjustment Brushes so much. “

Where did you learn how to edit?
“I am mostly self-taught, but what I couldn’t figure out on my own, I went to YouTube or SLRLounge to learn.” If you are interested in learning more about how to speed up your Lightroom workflow you can check out our A-Z Lightroom Tutorials course on SLRLoungeWorkshops.com.

You can see more of his work on his Website and Instagram. To learn more about our Visual Flow Preset System and how are lighting condition-based presets work check out our site to see more before/afters. Catch Chad and our other Visual Flow featured artists in our Facebook Community and join to get your images featured!