Lightroom is a perfect application for editing family photos. After all, the right expression and moment often requires multiple cues, retakes, prompts and locations to get. This is especially true when kids and babies are involved. The high image count of family photography often makes Photoshop unfeasible, especially for photographers who deliver a full gallery of images to their clients.
Within Lightroom, our goal at Visual Flow is to get you to a final, professional product in a single click for each image. Then, we want you to apply those settings across every image within the same scene or lighting condition, making minor tweaks to exposure and white balance if necessary. Overall, we want our community to use our family photography Lightroom presets to complete the post production on a family session like this in under 1 hour.
Below is a recent session by Pye Jirsa utilizing the latest Mood Pack. You can see how the rich, organic and earthy vibe plays well with the story driven nature of these family images. You’ll also notice how consistent each frame is from image to image when utilizing the Lightroom presets.
Before and After Comparisons
Let’s start with a before and after image for one of our favorite shots from the session. Notice the subtle matte finish to the highlights and shadows in the scene as well as the overall rich and organic tones.
Full Gallery from Family Photography Session
Below is the full gallery of images we delivered to the client, post produced with the Mood Pack.

For more information, please see our Dark and Moody Presets Info page or our Mood Pack Store Page.