Voted as one of the top 5 Bahamas wedding photographers of the year and one of the best in the Caribbean, Lyndah Wells creates captivating works of art for her clients with her signature bright and bold style. She’s a Fearless award winner, industry speaker & educator, and brand Ambassador for the innovative light modifier company MagMod.
Before and After Images
The Interview with Lyndah Wells
We interviewed her to find out how she uses the Visual Flow Preset System to enhance and enliven her wedding photos in Lightroom. Below you’ll see examples of her RAW straight out of camera images and how they look with the Visual Flow Modern Pack presets applied.

How did you establish and define your editing style?
It can be seen from her vast portfolio that Lyndah is known for her vibrant imagery and being located in the Bahamas has been a large inspiration for keeping her images full of color and life. It took “lots of trial and error” to get her style dialed in the way she wanted but she “finally found that bright, contrasty images” were her jam! For the image above, Lyndah used our Retouching Toolkit to add in a Clouds graduated filter to help boost the detail in the sky and gave the image a bit more pop with an increase of contrast.

What tools within Lightroom help your refine your photos?
She uses “the Graduated Filters along with Local Adjustment Brushes” the most to fine-tune all the detail in her photos. “The Sky/Nature brush in the Visual Flow Retouching Toolkit. is a favorite – I need the beautiful skies and waters of The Bahamas to pop!”

What is your favorite Visual Flow Preset and why?
“My favorite preset is Soft Light. I import my culled images into Lightroom with this preset applied. I love that it lifts the image without messing with the exposure or contrast. I then adjust with the Retouching Brushes, typically the Dodge & Lift and then I’ll use the Noise Reduction for a global skin softening.” And she does this all within Lightroom, completely expediting her editing process without having to hop into Photoshop.

Where do you draw your editing inspiration from?
Lyndah has a few favorite photographers that she likes to follow to draw inspiration from: wedding photographer Joshua Dwain and fashion photographer Desiree Mattson. Although vastly different in genres and styles of photography and lighting, both photographers showcase strong and dynamic imagery.

You can see more of Lyndah’s work on her Website and Instagram. To learn more about our Visual Flow Preset System and how are lighting condition-based presets work check out our site to see more before/afters. Catch Lyndah and our other Visual Flow featured artists in our Facebook Community and join to get your images featured!