About Sergio Cueto
How long have you been a photographer? What got you started?
I started my career as a photographer in 2011, after more than 10 years working as a videographer and news cameraman. I really enjoyed being in the eye of the storm, capturing pictures for the news that people would later see in their houses. Working as a TV news cameraman means that you need to anticipate, to make technical decisions quickly. You have to know when the decisive moment is going to happen, and get to the right place at the right time: that’s the perfect training to be a wedding photographer!
How did you establish and define your shooting and editing style?
Timeless and direct. My shooting style is based on my background as a news cameraman and the work of the great photographers from Magnum. I try to get the picture as finished as possible on camera, but I don’t mind working on a photograph for as long as it takes to get the look that I want.
Who are some of your favorite photographers?
The list would be endless! Alex Webb and his domain of color, the portraits by Phillipe Halsman, Josef Koudelka’s work on gypsies, the humor of Elliot Erwitt, the creativity of Eugenio Recuenco to name just a few of them.
What are your sources of photography inspiration?
All forms of art are a source of inspiration: cinema, theatre, paintings (specially Spanish and Dutch from 1600’s), poetry, music… all of them nourish my eye and my soul.
How has the Visual Flow Preset system changed your workflow?
Visual Flow Preset system works wonders with just one click, thanks to its lightning condition technology. It gives me a starting point very close to my editing style, so I have saved a lot of hours in front of my computer.
Before and Afters
See the before (left) and after (right) images with the Visual Flow Modern Pack.

More Images from Sergio Cueto’s Portfolio

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